Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas trees, Cleaning and No Sugar? Oh my!

Blogging two days in a row?  Yes, I am feeling okay.  I've just been reading blogs and it is motivating me to do it more!

I finally took the Christmas tree down today.  My family always left it up until the new year so I figured I'd do the same.  Especially since we weren't home for Christmas.  But then I went out of town on the 5th for 5 days.  And then I needed to recover from my 5 day trip.  Plus, I really wasn't looking forward to untangling the lights and garlands from the tree.  And all those trips up and down the stairs wore me out, but it needed to be done!  I need to vacuum that spot out, but that will have to happen tomorrow.  Maybe I could have left the tree up longer....It was decorated in red and silver.  We could have started the trend of having a Valentines Day tree!  As exhausting as putting it away was, it is nice to have that corner free for other things.  I want to put the coat rack back over there so I can move the couch back.  Chad keeps sitting on two cushions on the couch because he can't see the tv very well from the end of the couch.  It drives me crazy because all the remotes slide down and he ends up sitting on them.  I really couldn't take much more of it! 

The past week I was feeling really unmotivated to do much of anything after my trip to Chicago.  And then I found Pinterest.  I found all sorts of wonderful recipes and charts and plans for cleaning and getting organized, but did I do any of it?  I made a mac and cheese recipe and I did one sink full of dishes.  My goal for this week is to get back on a better sleeping schedule and to actually get the house straightened up.  It's been a disaster for far too long and it's practically begging to be cleaned!

We'll see how much energy I have this week!  Chad and I are giving up sugar and white food.  By white food I mean sugar, white flour, white rice, potatoes and corn.  Chad's job is doing a weight loss program.  He gets paid for every 1% of weight he loses.  We could use the extra money and we both want to lose weight and get healthy.  We had some sugary things in the house that needed to be gotten rid of or they would have gone bad so we finished the pop and the brownies.  It was a sacrifice, but somebody had to do it!  We couldn't waste brownies!  That would just be wrong!  Now starts 2 weeks of no sugar except for fruit and honey and then only having it once a week.  It will be difficult, but it will be so good for us.  Last time I did this diet successfully I lost 15 lbs.  I probably need to lose about 25 lbs. this time but I would be happy with 15.  Chad would like to lose about the same amount.  It will probably be a lot easier for him to lose the weight.  Men can lose weight a lot more easily and it's really not fair.  He'll probably have the lbs. just drop off even if he's cheating on the diet and I'll have to be the sugar nazi to have a prayer of losing weight.  It's a good thing he's such a wonderful husband and I love him so much!

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