Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm becoming a couponer!

I feel kind of dorky getting into the whole coupon thing, but it's such a great feeling to leave a store knowing that I've saved money!  I used to not really pay much attention to sales and coupons ahead of time, although I did often go for the product that was on sale if given that option.  Since I don't have a regular job anymore and we have to save all the money we can, I have become a big searcher for deals.  I got a CVS card this morning and we've already gotten some really good deals and are going to save a bunch of money on stuff that we need!  We are heading out to get groceries in a little while.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much money we can save on our groceries.  Since Aldi's is so much cheaper than everyone most of the time, I look for deals that can beat Aldi's.  Then you know you're getting a good deal on something.  For example, CVS has a deal that if you spend $20 on Pepsi products, you get $10 in extra bucks to spend some other time at the store.  We do in fact have other things we can get and have coupons so we can get them for even cheaper so that we can get more stuff for free!  So at the end of the day we can get 6 12 packs of pop, a bag of Dunkin Donuts Coffee, 2 packs of razors and shaving cream for around $20!  I love it!  The goal for us is to only spend $40 for two weeks of groceries.  That doesn't include personal items or household items like razors, contact solution, or paper towels.  Those we just try to spend as little as possible by buying on sale and trying to use coupons as well.  Getting a Sunday Tribune to get all the weekly ads and manufacturer coupons is the biggest way we save money.  I'm still learning about all of this stuff, but I'm finding some pretty good sales.  I don't have time to do as much as the crazy people on Extreme Couponing, but I also don't really need to.  We don't have the space to store as much as these people do.  They are kind of OCD hoarders!  I just buy what I need.  I might stock up a little bit on things like the Pepsi that was on sale, but I don't have room to store 40 boxes of pasta and 40 jars of sauce in our apartment like they buy!  I love saving money! 


  1. You should look into That website is wonderful, and really helped me save money when I was in the US.

  2. I've looked at that sight I think in the past, but things are so expensive in Chicago that I don't think it can beat Aldi's most of the time! I got out of there for only $27 for two weeks. I also saved a ton of money today at other stores with coupons, sales and CVS Extra Bucks! Yay!
